Sexual Health Services Report - August 2020

Following our research on behalf of Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council on sexual health services across Stockton, we have produced a report which features feedback from the survey.


Healthwatch Stockton-on-Tees and the Public Health Team at Stockton-on-Tees
Borough Council have worked collaboratively to seek the views of residents on sexual
health services in their local area.

Three separate surveys were produced by the Council for

  • stakeholders
  • members of the public (18+)
  • young people (under the age of 18).

The Council publicised the surveys through various different communication channels and social media platforms.

In addition to this, Healthwatch Stockton-on-Tees replicated the same surveys onto
Survey Monkey which were then shared on our social media platforms and via e-newsletters from 9th July 2020 – 7th August 2020.

Due to the surveys being shared publicly and collated by the Council, Healthwatch Stockton-on-Tees alone received a relatively low response rate from stakeholders and young people.

However, Healthwatch Stockton-on-Tees has provided the Council with the obtained responses for all three surveys. This report provides an overview of the main findings from the responses from 15 members of the public (18+).


Without coronavirus/COVID-19 social distancing measures, people told us that they would like sexual health services to be delivered from a specialist sexual health clinic and GP surgery. Not knowing where to go and embarrassment were the two main reasons for not accessing sexual health services in the past. The majority of those who responded told us that overall they had good knowledge of sexual health issues although 13.33% stated that they had no knowledge/awareness of sexual exploitation and abuse and where to get support.

People also told us that they would like sexual health services to be available by telephone and online for appointment bookings, consultations, ordering STI kits, contraception and condoms.

The Teesside Sexual Health Service provides sexual health clinic services within the Stockton-on-Tees area. However due to the current Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health, Public Health England and NHS England have advised the service to limit face-to-face contact and to expand remote (online/telephone) consultations and prescribing.

The Teesside Sexual Health Service currently provides patients with a telephone triage consultation by calling 0300 3301122 for help with contraception, advice and referral for abortion care, and treatment for any patients with symptoms of sexually transmitted infections.

All our findings have been shared with Public Health to inform future service delivery.


You can download our full report below.

Healthwatch Stockton-on-Tees Sexual Health Services Report - August 2020

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