1. Report -

    Read all about our report on access to health and social care services as experienced by people with a sensory impairment.
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    Take a look at our annual report for 2017/2018, which shows the work and achievements we have made over the year.
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    Public Health informed Healthwatch Stockton-on-Tees that Oral Health was one of its future priorities for 2018/2019, and welcomed any feedback Healthwatch Stockton-on-Tees could gather from patients by carrying out a planned engagement activity.
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    During recent engagement activities, the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector fed back concerns with the accessibility of, and care provided by the dentists for people diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Stockton-on-Tees.
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    At the end of 2021, Healthwatch teams across the North East worked collaboratively to gain feedback from the general public about their experiences of local dentistry.
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    Healthwatch Stockton-on-Tees engaged with the public across the Borough to seek their views and experiences of local dental services over the past year, in addition to a number of queries on NHS dentists through the Information & Signposting service.
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    Find out our highlights from 2021-22, including who we engaged with, our focus areas and our impacts.
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    Find out our highlights from 2022-23, including who we engaged with, our focus areas and our impacts.
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    The Healthwatch network in the North East and North Cumbria are working with the ICB to gather evidence about access to dental care services.

    As part of this work, local Healthwatch across North East & North Cumbria undertook a mystery shopping exercise to get a real time understanding of what is being said to people and to understand their experiences of dentists across the region.

    The mystery shopping exercise involved phoning dental practices, enquiring about a specific dental care scenario and reporting the results centrally for a regional overview.